What do you speak on?

Are you a professional speaker, trainer or coach? If yes, what would be your answer when I ask you "What do you speak on?"

My guess is that either you have answered with a long explanation or you have said something generic like, 'I am a sales trainer' or 'I am a leadership coach'.

In both cases, it isn't helping your cause. Every speaker trainer and coach is a personal brand in themselves, therefore they must have a niche that enhances their brand identity along with making them a thought leader short span of time. If they don't, they are shooting in the dark!

Do you have a specific niche area which you focus on as a speaker, trainer and coach?

If not, Speaking Niche Mastery Series is here for you. This comprehensive course is designed especially for people like you to help you find your speaking niche and learn to nurture it for maximum impact and results.

When you have a clearly defined unique niche area of speaking, training or coaching, you become a thought leader in your niche quickly. This allows you to monetize your expertise significantly better.

What is a Speaking Niche?

When a speaker, trainer and coach is known for a specific area of expertise, that’s what is a speaking niche. Having a distinctive speaking niche leads to a high brand recall.

Think of your favourite speaker, whom you idolize and follow, what makes them unique? For example: Who comes in your mind when you think of ‘Guerilla Marketing’? 

To know more what a speaking niche ischeck out this video.

Who needs a Speaking Niche?

Are you a speaker, trainer or coach and speak on many topics comfortably? 


Are you someone who wants to speak professionally, but yet to figure out your speaking topic?

If you fall in any of the above categories, then you must need a speaking niche.

Why should you be a Niche Speaker? Watch this video for more.

Reason One: A Niche Speaker always get paid 60% more than generalist speakers

Reason Two: A Niche Speaker gets hired 50% more often than generalist speakers

Reason Three: It’s ten times easier to create a brand when you are a Niche Speaker

Your outcomes from Speaking Niche - Mastery Series?

- Find the unique speaking niche that will help you create your thought-leadership in that topic.

- Craft an effective positioning statement which will introduce you as a thought leader in just 7 seconds.

- Build a speaker One-Sheet that your prospects love.

- Know the concrete steps to establish you as a thought leader, after creating your niche.

- Learn how to build credibility for yourself as a thought leader in your topic.

- Learn to amplify thought-leadership for your speaking niche.

How does Speaking Niche - Mastery Series help you?

  • It helps you to increase your bookings significantly.
  • It helps you to earn substantially more from your expertise.
  • It enables you to create a brand for your expertise.
  • It allows you to create intellectual assets that will generate multiple revenue streams for you.
  • Last but not least, it can help you expand your market quickly and effectively.

What to Expect from Speaking Niche Mastery Series?

I’m Srijata

An international professional speaker and author of Setback Leadership. I love speaking using engaging real-life stories, amusing incidents, self-deprecating humour, personal experiences, and painful setbacks. 

I guide businesses and individuals to rise beyond their challenges, fears, and limiting beliefs to achieve holistic success in their professions and lives.

As a professional speaker I see many speakers, trainers and coaches struggle to communicate their expertise precisely. Because of this they lose out on valuable business and credibility. Hence, I wanted to help them find a speaking niche that they can call their own and establish themselves as a thought leader in that core niche.

I want to see more speakers, trainers and coaches claiming their rightful spot in the speaking industry.

Here is what my participants say:

Find your speaking niche now!

I was once like you, had the zeal to speak professionally, but didn't know what to speak on. Once I found my niche, I rose as a professional speaker within a span of 18 months. I have spoken on national and international stages, written 5 books and increased my authority exponentially.

This program has helped hundreds of speakers, trainers and coaches to find their niche and amplify it within a span of couple of months.

In case you would like to see exponential results for yourself, Go ahead and sign up today!